Can You Really Be Happy with Where You're At?
"Is Disconnection the Price of Living in a Hyperconnected World?"
The Hidden Struggle: What Is the Real Cost of Taking Multiple Medications?
Client's Words that Inspire and Motivate
How Focusing on YOUR Deep Health can Positively Impact Others
Our Surroundings and Inner Self can Lead us to Healthier Living
Do you Notice the Signs that you have Taken on Too Much?
"I have to do something; I have to drop some weight"
Are Your Comfort Habits Hindering Your Path to Better Health?
EVERYTHING has its Pros and Cons
Strength Training is a TOOL!
"What Truly Makes Me Feel Good?"
Reality vs the Internet
"How Can Self-Care Practices Reduce Hospital Wait Times and Doctor Visits?"
How Does Your Ego Affect Your Ability to Stay Consistent with Healthy Habits?
Consistency Doesn't Mean "Perfection"
How One client is Cultivating Change and Progress in Deep Health by Prioritizing Herself
Exploring the Power of Looking Inward
Empowering Yourself: Utilizing Tools Learned as a Client for Better Health Management
Morning Mindfulness: Start the Day with Awareness & Calm